The Chicago Daily Tribune, October 2nd, 1895
Miss Abbie Thompson of St. Paul in Demand by Her Relatives.
St. Paul, Minn., Oct 1. - A contest over the possession of a pretty girl of 16 had a curious ending in the city. The girl is Miss Abbie Thompson, an orphan who owns considerable property.
Some time ago she left the house of William Thompson, her uncle and guardian, whom she charged with brutal treatment. The girl illegally, it is said, was confined in the House of the Good Shepherd at the instance of her guardian.
The case came before the District Court today on habeas corpus and the Judge decided he had nothing to do with the matter and discharged the girl.
Then came a scramble for the possession of Miss Thompson, who desired to go to her sister, Mrs. A.D. Beadie. The latter's husband got possession of the girl, which object was attained by holding the guardian a prisoner in the revolving door at the court house entrance till the young lady was placed beyond his reach.